
Strengthening Extension

Strong Extension Systems

SNEDIP Project

Public-Private Partnerships for District-Level Extension Strengthening in Northern Ghana

Under the MEAS project, Ag Reach provided a model of how public-private partnerships can achieve progress towards demand-driven extension in a decentralized system, the leveraging of sustainable financial resources, and improved impacts for both extension workers and farmers.

In partnership with EWB Canada and the Ghanaian Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ag Reach provided district- and field-level extension strengthening on three priority technical areas: agriculture as a business, ICTs in extension, and post-harvest loss prevention by implementing a two-tied training structure to build the capacity of extension workers and strengthen farmers groups. Evaluation of SNEDIP demonstrated sizeable gains in knowledge and skills among extension workers as well as farmers. Read more

Reaching Farmers through Farmer-Based Organization Networks

As part of the goal of reaching farmers with more accessible and higher quality extension services, MEAS partnered with the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros (FNC) in Colombia. Motivated by FNC’s request, MEAS conducted an in-depth evaluation of their extension service and surveyed coffee extension services around the world. MEAS made recommendations out of the findings from this analysis, which promoted organizational behavior change within FNC as well as increased communication and sharing of innovations and resources. FNC translated the recommendations into adaptive management and succeeded in delivering improved extension service to approximately 2.2 million people.  Read more.