
Our Impact

Our Impact

AgReach recognizes the value, potential, and far-reaching positive effects of agricultural extension development worldwide. By creating scalable ways to inform and organize - and practicing responsive engagement - AgReach delivers knowledge and information to those who need it most, in ways they can use it best. 

We help farmers push beyond boundaries to fully realize the potential of their resources, improving quality, productivity, and security of their food, farms, and livelihoods. 

AgReach has worked in more than 50 countries worldwide to date, enabling rural clients to access services from improved extension systems. To reach the 1.5 billion people living in smallholder households in need, we have designed and implemented research-based programs that work. 

Since 2010, we have achieved impressive results, at scale, in areas that have historically proven problematic. 


Among its range of activities and successes, our efforts that led directly to improved services for farmers were of paramount significance. Rather than engage farmers directly, our projects have focused its efforts on the organizations that served them through the analysis, design, evaluation, and reform of rural extension and advisory services. We collaborate with public systems/governments, donor funded projects, NGOs, public sector entities, farmers, unions, and civil society organizations. Enhancing host-country organizations within the pluralistic extension systems contribute to effectively serving farmers to increase farm incomes and improve livelihoods of the rural poor.